Why Does Fanny Chastise Lenina From Going Out With Henry Again

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Brave New World Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

  • At present we're outside the edifice. Everyone is enjoying the sunshine and the helicopters, and the sounds of naked children playing Centrifugal Bumble-puppy (you lot can read a lovely and detailed description in your volume.)
  • The Director muses on how odd it is that people used to play games that—different Centrifugal Bumble-puppy—didn't require a complicated apparatus or two.
  • Meanwhile, two small children are engaging in a "rudimentary sexual game." Eeek!
  • The Director converses with a nurse who is concerned over i male child who refuses to play his ordinary erotic games with a petty girl, who herself is quite confused with her peer's hesitation.
  • The Director tells her to find some other lilliputian boy to play with.
  • The Manager, a.k.a. the D.H.C. (Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning) tells his students about a time when petty children were non allowed to play erotic games with one another.
  • The conversation is interrupted past i Mustapha Mond, who it appears is 1 of only ten "World Controllers." In other words, this guy is the big cheese. They even phone call him "his fordship."
  • Meanwhile, the clocks strike four and the staff working the first shift of the day exits and is replaced past another group of equally mindless drones. Lenina Crowne (the nurse from earlier) is ane of those to go out the grayness building.
  • Back to this Mustapha Mond guy (most intimidating name e'er). The students are practically peeing their pants to be in his presence. We get our smashing "direct from the horse'south mouth" phrase over again, this time in regard to the Globe Controller, rather than the Director.
  • The Controller, in his "strong deep voice," reminds the students of a saying of Our Ford's: "History is bunk."
  • He then waves his hand in the air, which the text narrates every bit his whisking away years of history and mythology—he whisks abroad Odysseus and Harappa and Rome and Jerusalem. You get the (disturbing) motion picture. Forth with this history become "Passion," "Requiem," and "Symphony."
  • While the Controller is busy whisking, we cutting to the Assistant Predestinator, who's asking Henry Foster if he's going "to the feelies" this evening, since the current evidence features a sexual practice scene on a bearskin rug and you can really feel "every pilus of the deport" with the amazing "tactical effects."
  • And nosotros're back to the Controller, who concludes that this is exactly why people today aren't taught history.
  • The Manager is nervous that the Controller might reveal some history to these students—afterward all, he knows that in that location are rumors of bibles and verse hidden in the cloak-and-dagger possession of The Controller.
  • But the Controller assures him not to worry—he won't "corrupt" these students.
  • And we cut dorsum to the conversation about the feelies; Bernard Marx from the Psychology Bureau is listening in with contempt as Henry Foster declares he volition definitely go check out the bearskin rug.
  • Back to the Controller, who is nevertheless talking most dreadfully inappropriate bailiwick matter like "parents" and "homes."
  • Now we bound to a third scene: Lenina Crowne heading to the dressing room on the 17th story, where all the girls are taking baths or getting "vibro-vacuum massages."
  • She greets a girl named Fanny Crowne, merely their last names are just a coincidence (with only ten-m last names in this world, it happens a lot).
  • We cut back to the Controller, at present describing what a "abode" used to look like, with no sterilizing atmospheric condition and all. A immature pupil is almost ill.
  • Lenina meanwhile is engaging in what appears to exist some sort of standard mail service-workday routine (bath, powder, perfume, massage, etc.).
  • The Controller continues his story out in the one thousand: apparently, in these disgusting houses, emotions were everywhere. Yuck.
  • We render to Lenina, who converses with Fanny. Fanny, it seems, hasn't been doing as well well lately; Dr. Wells has suggested she accept a "pregnancy substitute."
  • Lenina looks over the various vials she has to take on her locker shelf. Think of them as daily vitamins, except instead of fiber and atomic number 26 it's "Mammary Gland Extract" and "Placentin."
  • The Controller continues to speak of "Our Ford," sometimes known as "Our Freud." (Oh, the cleverness, the wit—nosotros can't have it anymore.)
  • Ford or Freud or whoever realized that families were a problem, but mainly because they bred emotion.
  • Dorsum to the chatty girls in the locker room; Lenina reveals she'south going to meet Henry Foster once again tonight, and Fanny is shocked that she's still going out with the aforementioned guy. (Seriously, monogamy was so pre-Ford.)
  • Meanwhile, the Controller is discussing… monogamy! (Funny how narrative structuring works similar that, isn't it?) The problem with pre-Ford monogamy, he says, is that it doesn't make sense, because anybody should belong to everyone else (this is one of the phrases repeated to sleeping babies, past the way).
  • Cutting to the locker room: Lenina protests that she'southward simply been with Henry four months. It'southward credible from Fanny's response that four months is unacceptably long, and Lenina admits that in that location hasn't been any other man during that time. Fanny reminds her how much the Director is against this sort of affair.
  • (We're still billowy back and forth between these different conversations.)
  • The Controller'southward statement against monogamy is this: man emotion is like a piping conveying water. Pierce it once, out comes a massive jet of water. Merely pierce information technology xx times, and there'south but a minor piddling from each hole. Information technology keeps a person stable, he says, to have multiple outlets like this.
  • Back to Fanny, who is pleased to hear that the Director patted Lenina on the behind today.
  • The Controller continues. Y'all need this private stability because information technology leads to social stability. You need the wheels to keep turning, and y'all demand men around to keep turning them. Otherwise, everyone will die.
  • Fanny tells Lenina to be more promiscuous. They both agree wholeheartedly that "everyone belongs to every one else."
  • The idea, the Controller says, is to allow the catamenia of human being desire to run unchecked; put a barrier in its way, and things will screw apace out of control. Then allow people have everything they want—immediately. Shorten the interval between want and consummation. With whatever luck, you can get rid of emotion altogether!
  • Now nosotros go back to Henry Foster and Bernard Marx. Henry declares that Lenina is a wonderfully "pneumatic" (equally in, total of emptiness) daughter—he recommends that the Assistant Director "take her" as soon equally possible.
  • Bernard Marx hears this and turns pale.
  • Meanwhile, Lenina says she'southward getting tired of just Henry anyway—she'due south starting to get interested in this other guy, Bernard Marx, an Alpha-Plus. He has asked her to visit a Barbarous Reservation with him.
  • But Fanny is concerned because Bernard has a poor reputation. He doesn't like Obstacle Golf, and he spends time…lonely (gasp!).
  • But Lenina is determined to "spend time with" (i.eastward., have sexual activity with) Bernard, fifty-fifty if he is ridiculously shy around her.
  • The Controller asks the students whether any of them has had to deal with a hard obstacle, or if they ever wanted something they didn't get.
  • A boy admits he once had to wait four weeks before a girl allow him take sexual practice with her.
  • Back to Bernard, who is disgusted past the other men's conversation because they speak of Lenina every bit mere meat. He wants to hit them both in the confront. Hard. And maybe even twice.
  • Meanwhile, the Controller is speaking nigh Christianity, which severely got in the way when the current methods were beginning introduced.
  • Lenina tells Fanny she likes Bernard'due south looks, even though Fanny finds him stunted and small. (Supposedly someone messed up and gave his bottle some alcohol when he was a zygote.)
  • In England, the Controller continues, hypnopaedia was once illegal.
  • Bernard Marx, it turns out, is a hypnopaedia expert. He considers everyone "idiots" for repeating the aforementioned phrases over and over.
  • Mustapha (the Controller) moves on to his opinion on republic—an absurd notion that men are "equal."
  • (The text at present starts jumping effectually betwixt the three conversations even faster; we're leaving them clumped together hither and so you get the motion picture.)
  • Lenina says she'due south going to accept Bernard's date to the Savage Reservation.
  • The Controller narrates that The Nine Years' war (an international state of war) occurred in A.F. 141 and brought devastating chemical and biological warfare. People had no selection just to accept Earth Control as the only solution.
  • The Banana Predestinator remarks that Fanny, too, is a squeamish girl for hanging out (sex activity).
  • We cut to the nurseries and see the little children repeating their "Grade Consciousness" lessons over and over.
  • Mustapha Mond continues. You can't govern by forcefulness, he says, and then they had to make the people want to be controlled.
  • And now for the full issue you can only get past reading: the words of Mustapha every bit he lectures the students become indiscernible from the phrases being repeated to the children in the nursery, which themselves are indistinguishable from the words of Fanny and Lenina, who have been indoctrinated the same way.
  • Anyway, nosotros encounter that Lenina is wearing dark-green and a "Malthusian belt" total of contraceptives, which means she's a woman who isn't sterile.
  • (Note: Lenina wearing green might propose she's a Gamma, only we notice out shortly that she is not; every indication points to her being upper caste (so Blastoff or Beta). Why she'southward wearing green, then, is discipline to debate. It seems likely to us that members of the upper castes get to wearable whatever they want; there's no mention of them being color-coded similar the mindless drones below them.)
  • Mustapha narrates that Pfitzner and Kawaguchi were the two big guys to come up with effective propaganda and mind command. It is they who alleged a "war against the Past" past closing museums and blowing upwardly monuments, etc. He explains to the students that this is why they've never heard of these mysterious things like "pyramids" and "Shakespeare."
  • Meanwhile, Lenina and Fanny discuss her belt. Henry Foster gave information technology to her.
  • We hear the indoctrinating hypnopaedia: "Catastrophe is better than mending. The more than stitches, the less riches."
  • The Controller declares that they picked the introduction of the first Ford T-Model as the starting point for their new system of dates. All religious crosses had their tops cut off to resemble a "T."
  • He adds that people used to believe in heaven and souls, but they also used to potable a lot of alcohol. And use morphine and cocaine. Related? He thinks so.
  • Bernard continues to rage against Foster and the Assistant Predestinator; the worst part, he thinks, is that Lenina thinks of herself equally meat, also.
  • Mustapha continues: then they got rid of all these substances and created the perfect drug to supervene upon it. Said perfect drug is euphoric, a narcotic, and a hallucinogen.
  • Cut to Bernard, who in his silent rage is looking rather glum. His chums tell him he should take some soma, which we're guessing is the drug Mustapha'south discussing.
  • Bernard refuses and and so loses his cool, yelling, "Damn you!" at the Assistant Predestinator. Simply the man simply laughs off Bernard's murderous rage and leaves with Dr. Foster.
  • Mustapha says that, after illegal substances, the next thing to conquer was erstwhile age. Men at present can work their whole lives instead of looking frontward to any eventual retirement, which is dangerous, every bit it provides time for people to recall.
  • Fanny leaves Lenina then she tin go play some Obstacle Golf game.
  • When a little girl in the yard outside tries to play with the Controller, the Manager yells at her to leave his fordship alone. Mustapha responds: "Suffer little children," which is like a masochistic version of Jesus's famous quote: "Suffer the lilliputian children unto me."
  • And nosotros end with an image of the conveyor chugalug sliding slowly forward at thirty-three centimeters per 60 minutes.

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Source: https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/literature/brave-new-world/summary/chapter-3

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